
Observing and noticing

'Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.' Rumi Sometimes we spend so much time thinking, that we forget to just observe. Observing requires that you notice, but not analyze, all that is going on around and within you. Most of us find that [...]

Observing and noticing2019-11-17T12:26:04-07:00

Changing Seasons

Finally, the weather is cooling, the leaves have turned, and we are in the home stretch toward winter.  It took a long time this year, as we had a very long summer.  I love this time of year, the days get shorter, we cool off, the trees put on a tremendous display, it's finally ok [...]

Changing Seasons2015-10-30T15:29:39-06:00


'Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.' Rumi Sometimes we spend so much time thinking, that we forget to just observe. Observing requires that you notice, but not analyze, all that is going on around and within you. Most of us find that [...]

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