Identifying your Energy Drains and Enhancers
Often we focus on what's energizing and how to access more energy (yes, important to do!), but let’s briefly look into what drains our energy. Here are some energy drains and what you can do about them. Do you see [...]
Quick ways to relax/de-stress throughout the day
We all feel stress, sometimes more often and intense than others. Yet you can still find moments of relaxation, if you know what to do, or where to look. Try sprinkling these mini relaxation techniques throughout your day. Tense and [...]
Spring into Wellness Series-Starts in April
Are you ready to wake up, get moving and grow?! Join us to learn new and inspiring ways to enhance all aspects of your wellbeing so you can live, be and feel your best! Spring into Wellness Series Tuesdays April [...]
Movement and Mindfulness for more Aliveness and Good Health
Many say the two core pillars of self-care are Movement and Mindfulness. Much of how we are and what we do is a result of how we move our body and where we focus our mind. Movement Moving our body [...]
Are you BORED?
Feeling Bored Have you ever been bored? You know, that place when you find yourself unsure what to do next, when there’s nothing in particular needing to be done, and you are ambivalent about what to do? Maybe you are [...]
Nature Therapy and Green Exercise
Since the beginning of time, nature has been used for its restorative value. Taoist created gardens to improve human health, a 17th century guide advises readers to ‘spare time in the garden…there is no better way to preserve your health’, [...]