
Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey Have you lost yourself in the shuffle and chaos of modern life?  Need some time for yourself to decompress and sort out your priorities and direction? Please join us in this half-day retreat on [...]

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat2024-04-30T17:05:52-06:00

Giving Thanks & End of Year Blessings

Giving Thanks & End of the Year Blessings We know how extraordinary has been this year Viruses, wildfires, global protests fuel the fears We seem more divided, leaders out of line This certainly won’t be the same ol’ rhyme! Not so easy through these times we go Time passes so fast, don’t you know? Challenges [...]

Giving Thanks & End of Year Blessings2023-11-21T16:13:44-07:00

Celebrating Winter Solstice

Today is the December 21, the Winter Solstice.  For us in the northern hemisphere this is the shortest day of the year, least light, most darkness.  This day marks the start of Winter, the season of dormancy, darkness and cold.  But it also represents the coming of lighter, longer days. This is something we can [...]

Celebrating Winter Solstice2020-12-21T15:14:08-07:00

Winterize your Immune System- Zoom Webinar

Thursday, December 17th, 5:30pm Friday, December 18th, 10am (2 different opportunities to join!) Concerned about staying healthy this Winter?  Need ways to reduce stress during these shorter days? Would you like more ease and joy going through the season? Did you know the common cold occurs over 100 million times a year and accounts for [...]

Winterize your Immune System- Zoom Webinar2020-12-11T16:37:35-07:00

Why Nature?

Nature Heals Since the beginning of time, nature has provided much to humans, not just for survival, but also in restorative value.  Contemporary studies show that nature has many positive impacts on humans.   One study showed patients in a hospital healed faster on the side which overlooked a natural space.  Findings are so convincing [...]

Why Nature?2020-08-13T17:27:41-06:00

Full Pink Moon in April

While I would normally be guiding a full moon hike this Tuesday, instead I would like to share with you some great information about the significance of the full moon.  The start of the lunar cycle is new (no) moon, where we can not see the light being cast upon it by our sun.  As [...]

Full Pink Moon in April2020-04-07T09:32:55-06:00

Celebrate Spring!

Do you notice the shift in your body as the days begin to lengthen and warm?  We are part of nature, so if you pay attention you might notice that your body and spirit reflects the cycles of the season. To do this, notice your energy levels, notice how your senses are waking up, perhaps [...]

Celebrate Spring!2020-03-13T12:20:09-06:00

Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

The Holiday Season is a stressful time.  Many people spend more money than they have, eat much more than their bodies need, and are overwhelmed with all the expectations and demands that come at this time of year.  Over-indulgences lead to debt, excessive weight and regretful actions!  Then, we pay the price during the coming [...]

Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season2020-01-23T12:53:35-07:00

Turning into Autumn

We are already seeing signs of the Autumn here in our canyon. The days are shortening, and the light quality has changed.  The air has become crisper, cooler, and smells have also slightly shifted from that of mid-summer.  And, of course the most obvious is the turning of the leaves.  The maples, cottonwoods, currants, grasses [...]

Turning into Autumn2019-11-17T12:10:30-07:00
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