
We make our own path through life…

“Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It [...]

We make our own path through life…2020-08-04T16:13:14-06:00

Mindfulness and Movement- Nature Connection Outings

Morning New Moon Wander New Moon is a sacred time to reflect. cultivate healing, and create new beginnings. For this New Moon, we will get out earlier on the land to enjoy the lovely summer morning.  Not really a hike, but a wander to allow reflection and release, while we contemplate what is next for [...]

Mindfulness and Movement- Nature Connection Outings2020-07-16T12:37:47-06:00

Trust in the woods, trust in the unknown

Have you ever wondered through the woods, thinking you knew where you were, and come to find you really didn’t?  Maybe you didn’t know which direction you faced, or which way to go to get back?  Lost, or so it seemed.   What was that experience like?  And how did you end up resolving it? Trust [...]

Trust in the woods, trust in the unknown2020-07-06T13:10:41-06:00

Healthy Movement, not just ‘Exercise’

Exercise is a double 4-letter word Do you ever get this impression?  We all know that we need exercise, but many aren't successful at connecting the true benefits of movement to their personal needs and desires.  There are so many benefits from 'exercise' and healthy movement, such as- Managing your weight Controlling blood pressure (strengthens [...]

Healthy Movement, not just ‘Exercise’2020-06-10T12:25:26-06:00

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

Chapter I I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost... I am hopeless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter II I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I [...]

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters2020-06-02T13:45:39-06:00

Moving Forward- Path or Wander

My tendency in nature is to wander.  Paths are good for getting from one point to another, but wandering allows for exploration outside of a linear, defined line.  As we go through life, we sometimes need to follow a path, maybe a highway, to get where we want to get to.  Do I continue to [...]

Moving Forward- Path or Wander2020-05-05T14:23:10-06:00

Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day has been celebrated every year since 1970, and 50 years later its purpose remains the same: encourage social and political action by drawing attention to the cause. Every year, around the world, the damaged state of the environment comes to the forefront, and millions of people take the opportunity to pitch in -- [...]

Celebrate Earth Day2020-04-22T10:31:46-06:00

Full Pink Moon in April

While I would normally be guiding a full moon hike this Tuesday, instead I would like to share with you some great information about the significance of the full moon.  The start of the lunar cycle is new (no) moon, where we can not see the light being cast upon it by our sun.  As [...]

Full Pink Moon in April2020-04-07T09:32:55-06:00

Enjoying the journey & moving forward

I think of the first time I climbed a 14’er (a mountain over 14,000′).  From the base of the mountain, the task looks impossible.  I could believe at that moment that I can't do it, and justify this with all kinds of evidence from past experiences and beliefs.  Then, I don’t even bother to try. [...]

Enjoying the journey & moving forward2020-04-07T09:35:06-06:00

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)

Self-care is especially critical in this time.  How, might you ask, can you care for your well-being when you are isolated at home, can't do the things you normally do, or are worried about how you will pay bills or what the future might bring? Here are ideas that take little time and can help [...]

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)2020-04-07T09:36:24-06:00
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