Assessing each area of your life
Many people come to me seeking support in living a satisfying or fulfilling life. Often they are feeling stressed, lacking energy or direction, unfulfilled. Can you relate?
How do you access greater satisfaction and joy? Well, let me tell you, and it’s not that difficult! Ask yourself this question- How satisfied do I feel in each area of my life? (Consider career, relationships, family, play, spirituality, health, etc.) Would you rate an area low, like a 2 (I’m stressed here, or I’m not where I want to be) or higher, say an 8 (I feel pretty good about what I’m achieving)?

Wheel of Life- Assess each area on a scale of 1-10 for levels of satisfaction
When was the last time you really assessed how you were doing and considered this very important question? Imagine this…most areas of your life are below 4, perhaps you are lacking joy and fulfillment, perhaps stressed and chaotic, not living your potential, low energy, unhealthy. Now image each area was at least an 8 or above, what would that be like? Living your potential, life flowing with more ease and flow, you are in tune with what is important to you, healthy in body and mind, and you feel like you are moving toward your dreams. Which sounds like you?
Where would you like to be?
What is your best life? What would be satisfying to you? You get to say! This is why it’s critical for you to get clear on where you are at, and what’s important to you! It’s not someone else’s version, but your own. This is how you access greater satisfaction and fulfillment. Know thyself, where you are, and where you want to go! Here’s an article with tips to help you lead a fulfilling life.
Are you ready to take a deep dive to truly understand YOU? And are you ready to be living by what you truly desire? What kind of courage do you need to move your vision into a reality?
“The problem in my life and other people’s lives is not the absence of knowing what to do, but the absence of doing it.” *Peter Drucker
For many of us, change is scary, and it is difficult. I get it! But, what would it be like to have that deep sense of fulfillment? To feel alive and on purpose? To overcome lack of clarity or that feeling of flatness in your life?
What would it be like if you could access that strong powerful version of you? It could be totally worth the effort, a coach and accountability partner can help you get there, your version of success!
This is how I help you!
If you are ready to get clear about what you want, and to find your best direction forward so you can live a more satisfying and fulfilling life, we should talk! See this article about the benefits of working with a life coach.
Through coaching and guidance, I support you in making better, healthier choices, so you can live your life with more satisfaction and ease. Schedule a complimentary life discovery session today to experience how coaching can help you access greater life fulfillment, joy and satisfaction. I look forward to supporting you on your journey!
To your best health and well-being,
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