Awareness of Wellbeing
Ever notice how your body relaxes when you breathe deeply? Your parasympathetic system triggers your body to slow, to let go, your body and mind respond. We breathe all the time, unconsciously and consciously. This means you have in your control the ability to work with your breath, you can regulate your system.
You also have the ability to focus your mind. Maybe you don’t actively do that as much as you’d like (scattered thinking or habitual patterns), but we all have that ability. Humans have the ability to think, and to be aware of our thinking.
Given this, when you notice your mind is around something not beneficial, negative or not conducive to your well-being, you can re-orient, re-focus, put your mind onto something more empowering, or on what you actually want to think about.
We can redirect our thinking at will. Really. It just takes practice, and will. But usually we let the mind go wherever, a bit out of control sometimes (or a lot for some of us!). But we do have the power to rein it in, to redirect. How might you practice this? |
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